Business Registration
Business Registration Information
To create a viable economic future for Page, it is important to know what types of businesses currently exist within the community. In 2008, the Page City Council eliminated the “business license” requirement and replaced it with a “business registration” ordinance calculated to collect demographic information about our growing community.
The City Clerk’s Office processes business registrations and it may take 5-7 business days to process. Paper copies of the applications are also available at City Hall.
The registration fee of $25 per business, and an annual renewal fee of $25 is charged per the City’s Consolidated Fee Schedule. The City asks that business owners keep their registration information current at annual renewal time, and let the City Clerk’s Office know when the business is closed or discontinued.
Vacation Home Rental/Bed & Breakfast Business Registration Forms:
The following are frequently asked questions with a short answer:
Q: Why did the City implement this program?
A: This program was established to provide a contact database for the police department, fire department, City Manager and City Council to assist with public safety, economic forecasting, economic development, budget preparation, city promotion, and revenue projection. In addition, some of the collected data is utilized to comply with an intergovernmental agreement with the Arizona State Department of Revenue. The program is mandatory.
Q: What will the information be used for?
A: Revenue projection and budget preparation are the most critical annual functions of the City. Information provided by registrants will be utilized to support existing budgets, forecast economic needs by identifying new development and business starts, and to calculate revenue trends. Police and Fire will have access to available public information.
Q: Will my competitors have access to my information?
A: The information on your business registration is public information. However, public access will require a formal request for public information from the City Clerk’s Office and a declaration of whether the information will be used for a commercial purpose. Tax information, e.g. TPT, NAICS, and EIN, will not be provided.
Q: How do I know if I need to register my business?
A: You must file a business registration application if you conduct any activity, business, trade, occupation, service, or pursuit which is intended to provide a profit or personal gain. As a general rule of thumb, if a taxing agency, either state or federal, would expect you to declare your profits or gains as a matter of tax law, registration is most likely indicated.
Q: Do I need to register to hold a yard/garage sale?
A: No. Yard sales are considered occasional, casual sales. Chapter 111 of the ordinance also states that churches, schools, athletic groups, and non-profit organizations, e.g. Boy/Girl Scouts, are exempt.
Q: If I hold a special public event, must I register?
A: No. A special event does not require business registration, but it may require a permit from the city manager’s office if you intend to utilize city facilities or serve food/beverages. If in doubt, inquire.
Q: If I want to go door-to-door to homes and businesses for the purpose of selling goods and services, do I need to register?
A: A different ordinance entirely applies to solicitors and solicitation activities conducted within the city limits. Door-to-door sales, sidewalk sales, and other temporary solicitations require a license, criminal background check, and fee of $50. See Chapter 112 of the Page City Ordinance for further details.
Q: Do I have to register if I am an employee of another business?
A: No. The business registration ordinance is intended to gather information about the primary business. In short, health care providers at the hospital, teachers at the school, and barbers/beauticians at a barbershop/salon, are not intended to register. If in doubt, contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Q: Does the business registration apply if I work out of my home?
A: Yes. Some gainful business activities, e.g. accounting, law, catering, handyman, online sales, and the arts, are activities that may be physically conducted anywhere and, nevertheless, require registration.
Q: If I sell my business, may I transfer the registration to the new owner?
A: No. The registration may not be transferred or assigned.
Q: Do other cities require business registrations?
A: Yes. A casual search on the internet will verify that virtually all Arizona cities require a registration or the more cumbersome business license program.