City Boards & Commissions

The City of Page has three (3) authority boards, three (3) advisory boards, two (2) commission and one (1) task force.  Appointment to these Boards is made by the City Council. Each board works with and advises City Departments and/or the City Council on related issues. Individuals and groups may present issues to any of the boards as each provides opportunities for public comment at its meetings. Becoming a member of a Board is an excellent way to become active in the decision-making process of City government and offers citizens an opportunity to participate in areas of individual interest. All positions are voluntary and vary in their length of terms and time commitments.

Applicants for the boards must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, and be a citizen of the United States.  If you are eligible and wish to apply, you need to complete the “City of Page Board Appointment Application.” You may apply for more than one Board; however you may only serve on two boards concurrently.  Submit your application to the City Clerk’s Office at 697 Vista Avenue (P.O. Box 1180), Page, Arizona 86040. Once the City Council has voted and adopted the appointment, each applicant will receive a letter notifying him/her of his/her appointment status. Your application will be kept on file in the City Clerk’s office for one year, and you will be considered for an interim vacancy that may arise during the year. If a vacancy occurs, you will be contacted and asked if you wish to have your application considered for the new vacancy.

Board information and applications are available at Page City Hall, 697 Vista Avenue, and in the City Clerk’s Office, (928) 645-4205. The form is available here: City of Page Board Application.

The City of Page is accepting Board/Commission
Applications for the following Vacancies

Board of Adjustment (5)
Economic Development Advisory Board (0)
Library Advisory Board (0)
Page Utility Enterprises (0) 
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (0)
Planning & Zoning Commission (0)
Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board (0)
Substance Abuse Task Force (2)
Youth Advisory Commission (0)

Click Here for Board Applications or go to: Page City Hall, 697 Vista Ave., Page, AZ 86040, in the City Clerk’s Office, (928) 645-4205.


Board meeting schedules are available on the Page City Calendar. Meeting agendas are available here – Public Meetings. Citizens who wish to receive Board Agendas via e-mail should send their e-mail addresses to the City Clerk or call the City Clerk at (928) 645-4221. Agendas are subject to change up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to meetings. Current agendas are posted at the following locations:

City Hall Bulletin Board
697 Vista Avenue
Page, AZ 86040

Justice Building Bulletin Board
City of Page
547 Vista Avenue
Page, AZ 86040

U.S. Post Office Lobby
44 Sixth Avenue
Page, AZ 86040

Open Meeting Law

Meetings of the Page City Council and Boards and Commissions are governed by the Arizona Revised Statutes §38-431 (commonly referred to as the Open Meeting Law.) In compliance with §38-431.01 (G) a link to the Arizona State Attorney General’s Handbook Section regarding the Open Meeting Law is available.  Click Here

Board Listings:

Board of Adjustment

This board is comprised of five (5) Council appointed citizens for staggered three year terms, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute section 9-462-06.

Library Advisory Board

This board is comprised of seven (7) Council appointed citizens for staggered three year terms. This board will act in an advisory and review capacity to the City Council regarding the operation and programming of the Page Public Library.

Page Utility Enterprises Board

The Page Electric Utility Board is comprised of six members, who shall be residents of the City of Page. Five members are appointed for staggered five year terms by Resolution of the Council. The sixth member is the Mayor or designee who serves during his term as an ex officio member. The board was established as an independent body, separate and distinct from the Common Council of the City of Page, and of the administrative offices of City government, to operate the Page Electric Utility, as more specifically set out in Ordinance No. 447-03. The board has general powers to operate the system, appoint a General Manager and recommend rates, fees, and charges for services rendered by the system for adoption by the City Council. The board shall meet at least monthly.

Page Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

This board is comprised of seven (7) Council appointed citizens for staggered three year terms. This board will act in an advisory and review capacity to the City Council regarding the operation, maintenance, promotion, improvement and activities of the City parks, recreation facilities, playgrounds, trails, and playing and sports fields.

Planning and Zoning Commission

This commission is comprised of seven (7) Council appointed citizens for staggered three year terms. This commission will assist in the preparation of a General Plan; assist in the preparation of development controls; review development proposals, proposed changes to ordinances and changes in development policies; hold public hearings and meetings; assist in preparation of a capital improvements program; make recommendations on proposed boundary changes; and make recommendations on a uniform schedule of fees for service.

Public Safety Retirement Board – Police and Fire

This board is comprised of five (5) members pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 38-847.  This board shall have the responsibilities and duties as set forth in A.R.S. 38-847, as it may be amended from time to time.  

Substance Abuse Task Force

This board is comprised of five (5) Council appointed citizens for staggered four year terms. The board is responsible for fostering the health and well-being of the citizens of Page, Arizona by coordinating efforts to establish and strengthen programs to reduce and prevent substance abuse in the community.

Substance Abuse Task Force Funding Application

The City Substance Abuse Task Force shall, as necessary, allocate monies received into the Fund to itself and local organizations for the purpose of education, creating prevention or treatment projects and programs, or enhancing existing projects and programs designed to prevent or treat substance abuse.

Funding Guidance PDF

Funding Application Instructions PDF

Funding Application – Online

Funding Application – Printable


Economic Development Advisory Board

This board is comprised of seven (7) Council appointed citizens for staggered three year terms. The Economic Development Advisory Board shall act as the advisory board to the Page City Council on matters pertaining to the economic development, airport and tourism industries. The board shall advise the Council on goal setting, strategic planning, beautification, construction, marketing strategies, hospitality and business recruitment, retention and expansion.

Youth Advisory Commission

This Commission is comprised of seven City Council appointed members who must be actively enrolled students in a public or private high school in the City of Page (including charter and home schools) between the 9th and 12th grade. The Commission will assist and advise the Parks and Recreation Board on issues concerning youth in the City of Page, present recommended improvements to the City Council on public projects and programs relating to youth and assist in planning youth/recreation activities and events.

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