Council Priorities

Each year the City Council members review the goals and priorities for the City of Page. The City Council members then prioritize a number of projects in its continued efforts to improve the community. Each Council member has provided their own priorities list and the Council as a whole has submitted a list of Strategic Priorities. Throughout the year the Council evaluates and discusses how to further these priorities.

2023-2027 City Council Strategic Priorities

Council Member Priorities

Mayor Bill Diak

FY 2021-2022 

Fiscal Responsibility 

● Use resources wisely 

● Always look for new revenue opportunities 

● Foster accountability 

● Plan for the long-term economic future 

● Finish Horseshoe Bend Phase 3 to maximize revenue and visitor experience 

Address Community Housing Needs 

● Young families 

● Low Income 

● Seasonal 

● Mid-Range 


● Pavement Management 

● Future needs for development 

● Water allocations and redundancy 

● Infrastructure to match Master Plan 

Downtown Streetscape and Revitalization 

● Central Business District as well as Uptown area 

● Walkable, tree lined, benches 

Be proactive to Community wants 

● i.e. make a plan to fund a swimming pool in 2-years 

Vice Mayor John Kocjan
  1. Secure a revenue stream to service bond debt load.
  2. Increase water allocation
  3. Infrastructure improvements
Councilor David Auge

Vision and Council Priorities:

  • Integrity, Accountability and Transparency in all phases to our citizens and city staff.
  • Fiscal Responsibility in future Budgets and spending requests brought to council
    • We must work with and support our City Manager and Department Heads on review and approval of spending requests with an eye on a realistic budget for 2021-2022 and forward so we continue with the fiscal responsibility that has been established. 
  • Responsive and accurate replies to citizen requests and inquiries and council input from city staff.
  • City Zoning Project completed ASAP
  • Strategic Planning
  • Revitalization of our downtown thru the streetscape project and driving business opportunities not just in Block 17 but elsewhere.
    • Tourism is our current and future for Page.  To drive tourism we must continue enhancing the our downtown, not just in type of business but of curb appeal.  The east side of LP Boulevard needs benches, shrubbery
  • Revenue opportunity at Horseshoe Bend to take advantage of its worldwide popularity thru Phase 3 building and completion.  This will enhance Sales Tax revenue which will help drive   

continued enhancement of our parks, bike and hiking trails, and golf course for recreation, relaxation and special events for our citizens and tourist-based economy. 

  • We continue to have a housing challenge for medium and low income and seasonal individuals and families.   Help developers by having accurate parcel zoning and infrastructure plans in place that are conducive to timely development.
  • Continue to work with city staff on review and update of our 5-year plan to complement and guide future budgets for capital spend for needed projects and equipment as well as infrastructure needs including streets, water and sewer, and power.
Councilor Brian Carey




1.1. Work with federal, state and county public health departments to monitor COVID 19 pandemic and establish appropriate public health safeguards. Model community leadership as city council members. Develop action plan with public health departments and community medical resources for vaccine distribution and other responsive measures.

1.2. Invigorate Substance Abuse Task Force to identify vulnerable populations suffering alcohol and/or drug addictions and partner with public health and social service agencies to implement solutions to reduce vagrancy and other unhealthy behaviors.

1.3. Plan necessary improvements for city water supply and wastewater management systems. Plan for new fire station as part of improvements at the Page Airport.

1.4. Complete redevelopment of John C. Page Memorial Park to provide public restrooms, public gathering venues, outdoor entertainment facilities and other features identified in the master plan.

 1.5. Establish pedestrian and bike paths identified in the Parks Master Plan to improve connectivity of city neighborhoods and encourage healthy activities.



2.1. Demonstrate flexibility and consistency in management of COVID 19 pandemic to provide the maximum stability for business operations and planning.

2.2. Expand partnerships with Page-Lake Powell Chamber of Commerce, CREDA, Local First Arizona, Arizona Office of Tourism, Coconino Community College Small Business Development Center, Arizona Commerce Authority, Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona, and other organizations and agencies to increase economic opportunities, especially in recreational tourism.

2.3. Complete and begin implementation of Downtown Redevelopment Plan. 

2.4. Encourage strengthening and expansion of educational programs at Coconino Community College Page Center and CA VIAT.

2.5. Foster development of moderately priced housing to accommodate workforce needs. Work with potential grant sources and community housing organizations to explore housing alternatives and incentivize housing development.

2.6. Encourage improvements to existing communications and data networks and the provision of additional services to provide high-quality internet connectivity.

2.7. Continue improvements to the main terminal, parking facilities and runways/taxiways at the Page Airport to maximize connectivity beyond Page. Maintain the Alternative Essential Air Services Contract to provide jet service for the general public.

2.8. Relocate city garage and remove Navajo Drive fire station in order to redevelop prime downtown property, perhaps as part of an entertainment district.



3.1. Finalize development and management of Horseshoe Bend in partnership with the National Park Service. Revise Phase 3 development plans to reduce development costs. Establish agreements for fee collection and other operational activites as necessary. Develop trail along western city boundary with Glen Canyon NRA.

3.2. Rezone all City of Page parks in the Parks Master Plan to appropriately identify their current and planned uses. Amend plan to include assets not included in the initial park inventory.

3.3. Establish a regional mountain bike park and begin planning for development. Solicit applicable grant funding and partnerships.

3.4. Begin planning and development of a multi-purpose aquatic recreational facility.

3.5. Convene workshop for long-term planning for Antelope Valley and environs from Coppermine Road to the eastern corporate boundary.

3.6. Revisit state park possibilities for Page or adjacent federally-managed properties.

3.7. Improve Rim Trail and develop appropriate connector trails. Work with Regional Trail Alliance to identify and market hiking opportunities in Page and the surrounding areas.



4.1. Establish a 50th Anniversary Task Force to begin planning for community improvements and celebrations for 2025.

4.2. Establish attractive city gateways through zoning and appropriate improvements to welcome and route incoming traffic.

4.3. Work with Glen Canyon Conservancy, Grand Circle Arts Alliance, Page Unified School District and other entities to expand artistic and cultural opportunities and displays.



5.1. Utilize City of Page website to communicate current and timely information.

5.2. Reduce executive sessions of the city council to maximize transparency of council discussions.

5.3. Restart advisory board/committee meetings to provide for citizen input to the city council.

5.4. Pilot video chats, podcasts, media interviews or similar outreach by councilors and/or city staff such as the weekly streamed interviews with Coconino County Supervisors.

5.5. Encourage additional council workshops and public open houses on specific focus areas to increase the exchange of ideas between citizens and council.



6.1. Establish a realistic 10-year rolling capital expenditure plan for project development and equipment replacement.

6.2. Implement performance management metrics for city council appointees.

6.3. Complete updates of General Plan and Zoning Map to provide blueprint for development of additional housing and businesses.

6.4. Work with Mayor and City Manager to broaden and strengthen external communications with the private and public sectors, especially Coconino County, State of Arizona, neighboring federal agencies, and the Navajo Nation.

6.5. Revisit all city revenue sources to ensure the provision of city services and facilities on the most cost-effective basis.

6.6. Review city employee salaries and hiring practices with a focus on recruitment and retention objectives.

Councilor Richard Leightner
  • Review, amend (if required), and approve General Plan Land Use Map and the Code of Ordinances Zoning Map to include establishment & allocation of both affordable and market based housing….and permanently establish Parks in the Parks Master Plan, including Heritage Funded location(s) and city adopted area’s (both formally accepted/assigned and future planned). 
  • Plan and fund infrastructure where possible as incentive for developers on recognized area’s identified as Medium and/or High Density development and actively market for affordable housing.  
  • Complete and work with business resources and interested organizations/residents on the implementation of Downtown Streetscape Redevelopment Plan….as budget and possible grant funding allows. 
  • Work with the Grand Circle Artists Alliance in getting set-up for open-air marketing & music. 
  • Work with all organizations in Page & the surrounding area to help plan and bring tourism to activities centered here. 
  • Continue to plan and develop the Horseshoe Bend area as a major income source for the city. 
  • Attract light industry to area’s marketable for such use and streamline the application & approval process. PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in the Industrial Park and maybe even partner with Navajo Nation entities in order to do so. 
  • Support and provide provisions for staffing the Page Police & Fire Department, and make provisions for needed equipment. Also foster good relationships with all area Law Enforcement agencies 
  • Establish better working/partnering relationships between Council and City Departments and provide an avenue for citizens to Q & A our actions….which leads me into the last (but certainly not least) action item/priority. 
  • We need to foster/improve communication between the City and Citizens…by being more visible and accessible both via social media, website(s), and local media through on-air programing, and daily/weekly updates on websites & social media outlets.  
  • I agree whole-heartedly with Councilor Lee’s points on increasing public outreach by manning a booth at ALL major occasions & festivities in the area providing current information on upcoming/important events, developments, etc. and answering questions (or directing people to where they can find answers). 
Councilor Mike Farrow

I) Smart and Balanced Growth of Page

a. Enhance our infrastructure for Business Growth for
Tomorrow and Beyond
b. Alignment of Business and City pursuits for future successes
c. Leverage City and Business Capabilities and Services for Page
d. Support efforts for a strong vision and objectives for Page
citizens, businesses and services for balanced growth

II) Community Engagement and Involvement

a. Enhance communications to businesses and citizens
i. Frequent, relevant, timely and concise sharing of
activities, situations, issues and challenges
b. Encourage, advertise, promote and challenge engagement
and involvement in committees, task forces and work
i. Create more engagement opportunities
ii. Create more empowerment through education,
orientations, mentoring, and training meetings
c. Encourage and support education, seminars and
participation in training for enhancing engagement, and
involvement programs for City employees, Council
Members, work groups and task forces

Ill) Page Safety and Security

a. Establish, publish and maintain a City’s Emergency
Operations Plan
i. Involve mutual aid of City, County, State and Regional
ii. Establish and maintain a regular EOP meeting, training
and table top exercises
b. Establish and maintain a robust “Best in Class11 Active
Shooter Program for City, our critical infrastructure, schools,
places of business, recreation and churches
i. Establish and maintain a community integration effort
of Threat Management to stay ahead of threat
c. Be actively involved and support our first responder services
of Law Enforcement and Fire/Rescue Services and
understand and assist in the challenges in supporting our
first responders, citizens and visitors.
d. Identify and support Mental Health initiatives

IV) Enhance Youth Opportunities

a. Our youth is our future and our opportunity to create
structured learning cycles for their advancement.
b. Determine and provide greater trade skill learning
c. Empower our youth to support safe schools and choices
d. Provide more opportunities for youth to be involved in city
and business pursuits
e. Continue to support enhanced structured and recreational
f. Be active and support our City1 s Substance Abuse Task Force
Do what’s right. Integrity is core to our success
I will lead by example – give it my best and expect the best from others
I will treat others as I wish to be treated
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