Community Development

The Community Development Department is responsible for planning, encouraging, and managing Page’s physical growth and development. The department is responsible for the functions of Economic Development/Redevelopment and Tourism, Community Planning and Zoning, Code Compliance, Building Safety, Housing, and Park and Trails planning and development. The department defines future development through long-range planning and land use and zoning regulations, with an emphasis on orderly and efficient growth and suitable redevelopment to make the community more sustainable in terms of land use, development, downtown redevelopment, and neighborhood and resource preservation. The Community Development Department also reviews residential, commercial, public facilities, and industrial development proposals for compliance with the subdivision and zoning ordinances, and provides incentives for developments that create jobs and tax base or satisfy specified goals or unmet needs in the community.


Gregg Martinez
Economic Development
Phone: (928) 645-4310
Fax: (928) 645-4250

Physical/Delivery Address:
Page City Hall
697 S. Vista Avenue
Page, AZ 86040

Express Mail Address:
Page City Hall
697 S. Vista Avenue
Page, AZ 86040